Monday, September 8, 2008

Week Two begins...

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The kids are both still happy to get on the bus every morning which is a huge plus. Today is the day that they start CCD or as it is now known PREP. I have mixed feelings about this program. I understand that it is needed for my kids to receive their sacraments. Paul and I attend weekly mass at our church and always have. I can remember going to Assumption for mass and sitting their holding Paul's hand before we both went off to our bachlor and bachlorette parties...can't imagine what our prayers were for that evening!! Anyhow...I hope that my kids get what they need from these classes. As I attended Catholic school, prayer and listening about God was daily for me. I never knew anything else so I feel that weekly PREP may lack what they need to feel connected to the church someday. But I could not handle more than weekly classes. It will not be easy to get the homework finished and dinner done before I ship them out the door.

I am getting stuff ready for our DISNEY trip already. The kids have started a "sleeps" count down. And I have started a "budget breakdown". I am looking forward to this trip a great deal because the kids are so excited as well. We have talked about it to death at this point. They have earned several Disney Dollars as rewards for various good deeds and behavior. Keep my fingers crossed for the weather but it is a little too early for me to stalk it yet!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fell off a bit..

Well I totally failed on this mission to post a picture a day. I figured that I would start to casually blog and post pictures when I have the time.


Here I sit today with only one of my three children home. The boys are off to a new school and E and I sit and worry about them. It was not an easy decision and I am still struggling with the major change that I placed in their lives but I am taking it one day at a time.

G is the major factor, he doesn't roll with things the way PJ does. Gchoked back the tears when he figured out that he did not know one single child in his class but in true G form he braved on. It would be a totally out of character if let everyone know he was nervous. My stomach is still a little sick. I will most likely cry the day he gets off the bus and tells me he loves it...I can certainly hope.

PJ is fine. He is very social but will not partake in the sporting events at recess and I worry about that. He feel inferior and therefore would rather sit back and watch. He is a good easy kid and I hope that this does not work against him.

E is anxious to begin school. I really do not worry about her. She has always been very self suffient. She thrives in this situation and her former teacher had nothing but ample praise with her abilities...although she still messes up her colors!!

Me..Moving along. Planning vacations because that is what I love to do.