Monday, September 8, 2008

Week Two begins...

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The kids are both still happy to get on the bus every morning which is a huge plus. Today is the day that they start CCD or as it is now known PREP. I have mixed feelings about this program. I understand that it is needed for my kids to receive their sacraments. Paul and I attend weekly mass at our church and always have. I can remember going to Assumption for mass and sitting their holding Paul's hand before we both went off to our bachlor and bachlorette parties...can't imagine what our prayers were for that evening!! Anyhow...I hope that my kids get what they need from these classes. As I attended Catholic school, prayer and listening about God was daily for me. I never knew anything else so I feel that weekly PREP may lack what they need to feel connected to the church someday. But I could not handle more than weekly classes. It will not be easy to get the homework finished and dinner done before I ship them out the door.

I am getting stuff ready for our DISNEY trip already. The kids have started a "sleeps" count down. And I have started a "budget breakdown". I am looking forward to this trip a great deal because the kids are so excited as well. We have talked about it to death at this point. They have earned several Disney Dollars as rewards for various good deeds and behavior. Keep my fingers crossed for the weather but it is a little too early for me to stalk it yet!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fell off a bit..

Well I totally failed on this mission to post a picture a day. I figured that I would start to casually blog and post pictures when I have the time.


Here I sit today with only one of my three children home. The boys are off to a new school and E and I sit and worry about them. It was not an easy decision and I am still struggling with the major change that I placed in their lives but I am taking it one day at a time.

G is the major factor, he doesn't roll with things the way PJ does. Gchoked back the tears when he figured out that he did not know one single child in his class but in true G form he braved on. It would be a totally out of character if let everyone know he was nervous. My stomach is still a little sick. I will most likely cry the day he gets off the bus and tells me he loves it...I can certainly hope.

PJ is fine. He is very social but will not partake in the sporting events at recess and I worry about that. He feel inferior and therefore would rather sit back and watch. He is a good easy kid and I hope that this does not work against him.

E is anxious to begin school. I really do not worry about her. She has always been very self suffient. She thrives in this situation and her former teacher had nothing but ample praise with her abilities...although she still messes up her colors!!

Me..Moving along. Planning vacations because that is what I love to do.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

January 30th

I had so much work to do today. Catching up on my blog was not listed but I realized that I hadn't taken today picture so here is E sitting across from me. Really the big brother influence can be too much.

For those of you ladies who are all over the country..notice the Philadelphia Phillies logo on the back of the nintendo?? We are proud of our losing teams too.

January 29th

Training Day-

Today I had to sit through training. The highlight is when K and I searched the National Office We really had to look all over too for Captain SooHoo. He is the man behind the reason that K and I met. He helps with the volunteer run . We could not find him at first and thought he was out which is why we took the first picture but we did find him. He is a wonderful guy who is stuck in a dreary corner office.
I had to say good bye to K and Captain..hopefully I will see you in TX in the fall.

January 28th


I went on my first work trip. It was quite an event to get there as I had to take multiple trains and cabs to get to White Plains. I was in Manhattan but I never saw the streets because I was underground the whole time!!

I got to go and see my friend K. Let me tell you this girl is a real treat. She made the whole experience enjoyable. I am not sure if I could picked someone better to start this new job with me.

Anyhow--here she is with her McTriplet shirt!

January 27th

Meet Billy. Can you see him? Well this is Ella's best friend these days. I guess I need her to play with other children more or maybe she is missing her big brothers but anyhow we are always looking for Billy. I never had an imaginary friend before but it really cracks me up.

January 26th

This is the company that puts a roof over our head and food on the plate. This is also that place that took my husband away for three long months.
We went with Paul to his work on a Saturday!! He needed to get some things done and the kids were so excited to see Daddy's work.

January 25th

Here he very LOUD child. G had a doctor's appointment to look at a mark on his face. He will have to have it removed as it something that turns into cancer later down the road. They will biopsy the thing when it is removed though.
He will have it completed by a plastic surgeon in June.
He had a day with just his Mom and Dad today. We even got to take our middle child out to lunch alone...but we STILL had to tell him to keep his voice down a million times!!

January 24th

I swear this whole blog isn't all about Ella but I love this picture. These are Ella's little girlfriends. They live close by so I hope that they can continue their friendship as they get older. They will all be in school together!!
I know that you are all wondering about the little one on the right..Is she bald? Does she have cancer? Is she OK? The answer is that she has NF. I do not know the long name for it or to be honest exactly what it is..all I know is she forms tumors on her nerve endings(at least that is what I think). Yes, she is on Chemo that is why she is bald( she did have this great patch of hair in the back thought). Is she OK..yes she will be. But she does need everyone's thoughts and prayers..

January 23rd

Here my darling little girl!! HAHA. She went on her first class trip and it was to a play gym for kids. It was gross and dirty and I wanted to take he out of there right away but she was so happy to go that I simply could not.
The best part of the trip is that I spent the entire time talking with two old friends about the wonders of a Disney trip.

January 22

Here is the little stinker. She would only blow me a kiss to

night when she went to bed. Seriously she would not let anyone kiss her this night and only blew kisses to all of us. SUCH DRAMA

January 21st

Day OFF at least for the kids and Paul. I dreaded going to work this AM because no one was up when I left and I really wanted to stay in bed and enjoy this day.

Ella had her hair trimmed and she was so excited. The hairdresser was mean and really made me angry as she continued to yell at Ella to sit still. She was just excited. Ughh Why do some people kill all the fun???

January 20th

It is PopPopD's birthday dinner. My Dad is an amazing guy. He watched both of the boys for years while I worked. It has always cracked me up when people say that they can't imagine their Dad being able to take care of their children. My Dad LOVES taking care of his grandkids..he especially loves babies. Something I cannot claim to.

So here is PopPopD in all his glory with his 6 grandchildren..he has one more on the way.

January 19th

We spent the day with a wonderful couple who the grandparents of my best friend. I lost all my grandparents years ago so these amazing people have been all I had to look at for the example of what giving older people can be.

Somehow the pictures that I tried to upload were not working so I am just including the description of our day until I can get the pictures working.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

January 18th

All Right the only heading for this picture would be not to drink with Kelley-Megan and Kim. It is bad for me.

January 17th

The kids may love Hamburger Helper but here is my favorite dinner...well at least the coupon for it.

January 16th

Today I had to work but also found myself really not feeling well at all. So I worked and went to bed. My Mom took pictures of E and my Niece R playing together while I slept. They play so well together and it is great to have them back from Florida.

E loves to dress up and loves the Disney princesses. I can't wait to take her to Disney.

January 15th

I am so not a cook as most of you know..remember the SU?? Anyhow this is what my kids LOVE to eat..Hamburger Helper. They think that I can cook so I am good for a few years.

January 14th

Over the weekend we stopped at IKEA to get some new blinds for the kids room. They have just been destroyed by the kids over the past five years and I could not stand them anymore.

My dh put them up with a little help from E. He really doesn't always dress like this.

January 13th

Today we went to a minor league hockey game. The kids loved it. There was a huge fight in the center ice and the stadium went crazy. Got to love Philly fans!

We were able to sit in one of the stadium boxes due to my cousins girlfriends. We are strongly encouraging him not to mess it up with her.

January 12th

We woke up after the sleepover and took the kids bowling. They loved it.

January 11th

Sleepover. five kids all under 8 years of age. Friendlys--Wii and that is about the night

January 10th

DISNEY that is all my mind is thinking about these days. We are currently planning our trip there in the Fall. We are thrilles..well I am..the dh is on the fence. We haven't told the kids and I don't think that we will for awhile. Here is my screen because I live on this web site.

January 8th

Dance night is my favorite night. I love to E in her tutu. I love that it is her day to do something for her. She is so often taken along to events for her brothers that on this night they go to drop her off.

I also love the one hour that I get to myself to accomplish some MOD tasks.

January 7th

I swear I have a picture for this day but I cannot seem to find it.

Monday, January 7, 2008

January 6th

College Family Brunch--

When I was a junior in college, I lvied with these three girls. There were actually 12 of us living in our house but we all did not make this brunch.

January 5th


The party day has arrived and after a great of was a smashing success. I always loved the way British people said that. Anyhow, almost everyone showed up. There was plenty of food and even more drinks. The hall was perfect size and the overflow from the event came back to my house for games. I loved the planning but I am so glad it is over...but my Mom is already preparing for next year.

Friday, January 4, 2008


Sad Events of today. My uncle passed away. He was not a young man by any sorts but any death is felt by the survivors. My Aunt will have a hard time living alone and I can't imagine that her children will let it happen. They live about two states from me but my Aunt has rarely missed a major family event.

Good News is that a good friend of mine will be taking the employed journey with me. Hey K maybe we should start that blog on its own. ha ha It is just nice to have someone who I will be able to bounce ideas off of.

Tomorrow is the BIG family party. Since my Aunt's passing a few months ago my mother has stepped to take over the event. Today was spent shopping for all the last minute things. I love the christmas party because it seems to culminate the holiday season for me...

My picture today is of the kids coat was the first day that the kids hung up their coats on their own..small accomplishments are awesome.

Until tomorrow.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Experiences

Today was a day all about me. I have started a new path on my career. I really believe that this position was created for me. It involves getting to know people who have walked that long mile in my shoes..and even further.

I am a little overwhelmed at the idea of organizing the kids..the family dh's work schedule and now my own professional path but I have to make it work. I will make it work because it is important.

My picture of today is my work space..binders..laptop..calendar..spreadsheets. What I need to succeed

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

January 2nd

Today was calendar day. Every year I work on making a calendar for my large family. I try to include every person's picture on the month that they were born. Some years it proves to be more difficult than others to get the calendar completed and every year I vow to get it done earlier..But here it is three days before the family party and I am still printing it out.

Well my A and Q came over so that their Mom could do the cover page. I am so glad that they moved back.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

January 1st

I have been challenged. I have decided to take one year and take at least a single picture everyday during 2008. I am sure that I will have many ups and downs and some days I will wish that I did not remember but those are the things that make us stronger.

2008 was a good start. The morning started with the ringing in the New Year with friends of ours. Ella and Linds were able to stay awake until 2AM. No clue how they managed.

We had lunch as a will always be something that I love to do. We then went to the Doyles for a the bowl games. Home to peace and quiet....
Picture is of the three kids right before bed...